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Toddler travel tips for new parents

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There are plenty of challenges to overcome as a new parent, but few can feel as daunting as travelling with a toddler. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey for both you and your little one, it’s essential to be prepared before you hit the road. In this guide, you’ll find all the tips and tricks that you need to make your next trip with your toddler as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Plan, but be flexible:

Before heading off on your journey, research and plan your travel arrangements, accommodation, and activities. Be sure to choose family-friendly hotels and activities – this will make your life much easier. Many hotels offer kid’s clubs and nanny services, so keep an eye out for this in your research.  However, be prepared for unexpected changes and delays. Toddlers thrive on routine, so try to maintain a sense of familiarity while allowing room for flexibility. Plan for breaks and rest periods to ensure your child’s comfort and to help avoid meltdowns.

Have a packing checklist:

Make a checklist of essential items your toddler will need during the trip, including diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, snacks, and some of their favourite toys. Don’t forget to pack a small first-aid kit and any medication your child may need. Additionally, consider downloading some free kids cartoons and some of your favourite shows onto a device before travelling. This can be a lifesaver during long journeys or times when your child needs entertainment.

Bring comfort items from home:

To provide a sense of familiarity and comfort, bring along your child’s favourite blanket, stuffed animal, or bedtime story. These items can help ease anxiety and create a sense of security in an unfamiliar setting. They can be especially helpful to calm them down when they get upset.

Have travel games ready to kill time:

You can make any journey more enjoyable by entertaining your toddler with fun travel games. Playing classics like “I Spy,” singing songs, or bringing along small toys or books can help to keep your child entertained for hours. Many flights do provide inflight entertainment, however, don’t rely on this. Your toddler may not be interested in anything they have to offer. These activities can help keep your little one entertained and distracted during a long trip.

Use nap time:

A sleeping toddler is much easier to travel with. Timing your flights or travel around your toddler’s nap time can make things much easier for you. A well-rested child is generally happier and more cooperative. If the journey is long, consider booking an overnight stay or planning for a rest period during the day to allow your toddler to recharge.

Wrapping up:

By following the tips in this guide, you can eliminate a lot of the stress of travelling with a toddler. Remember, you can’t predict everything, but the more prepared you are, the smoother your journey will be. Happy travels!

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